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Muscles Quotes

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I'll never chase a man, but if he has muscles a bitch might just power walk  (Muscles Quotes) Life is too short to be small  (Muscles Quotes) Check out mah guns... Pyow! Pyow!  (Muscles Quotes) Toughness is in the soul and the spirit, not in muscles  (Muscles Quotes) I look good in muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Practice puts your brains in your muscles  (Muscles Quotes) The brain is a muscle, and I'm a kind of body-builder  (Muscles Quotes) Remember the mind is your best muscle... BIG ARMS can move rocks, but BIG WORDS can move mountains... Ride the brain train for success  (Muscles Quotes) Unused ability, like unused muscles, will atrophy  (Muscles Quotes) Balance is compromise. Of the muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Muscles do not use oxygen at a constant rate  (Muscles Quotes) Great ideas originate in the muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Strength is not energy; some authors have more muscles than talent  (Muscles Quotes) That guy has muscles in places most people don’t have places  (Muscles Quotes) A boy’s muscles move quicker than his thoughts  (Muscles Quotes) True strength is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Practice puts brains in your muscles  (Muscles Quotes) The duty of labor is written on a man's body: in the stout muscle of the arm, and the delicate machinery of the hand  (Muscles Quotes) Maybe the body learns from dreams. Maybe the muscles, the neutrons, revitalize  (Muscles Quotes) Muscles come and go; flab lasts  (Muscles Quotes) I like to stretch my acting muscles  (Muscles Quotes) It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal  (Muscles Quotes) Whatever muscles I have are the product of my own hard work and nothing else  (Muscles Quotes) Theatre demands different muscles and different aspects of one’s personality  (Muscles Quotes) Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles  (Muscles Quotes) I use very few muscles at the best of times  (Muscles Quotes) Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint  (Muscles Quotes) Jazz tickles your muscles, symphonies stretch your soul  (Muscles Quotes) Don’t touch my muscles  (Muscles Quotes) Mental will is a muscle that needs exercise, just like the muscles of the body  (Muscles Quotes)
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